At Soulout, respect for your privacy is foundational to everything we do. Since we started Soulout we have strived to build our Services with a strong set of privacy principles in mind.

This Privacy Policy describes how Soulout collects, uses and discloses information, and what choices you have with respect to the information. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We recommend you read this privacy policy and contact us without hesitation if you have additional questions.

When we refer to “Soulout”, “we”, “our”, “us”, we mean myself, Bogdan Natakhin, operating as the sole proprietor of Soulout, located at 200 Redpath Avenue, Toronto, Canada. As the sole proprietor, I am the controller of your information, as explained in more detail in the “Our Legal Bases For Processing Information” below.

This policy outlines how any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

Information We Collect And Receive

Soulout must receive or collect some information to operate, provide, improve, understand, customize, support, and market our Services, including when you install, access, or use our Services. The types of information we receive and collect depend on how you use our Services.

We may collect and process the following data about you:

Information that you provide by filling in forms on our sites and (“our sites”) and our mobile application Soulout (“our app”). This includes information provided at the time of registering to use our sites or app, downloading and sharing data via our app, making in-app purchases, subscribing to our service, posting material on forums and on your profile, posts and replies, or requesting further services. We may also ask you for information when you report a problem with our app.

The information which you provide us may include: username; password; Apple and/or Google account login information if you choose this option upon sign up.

Your Posts and Replies. We collect the posts and replies you create and receive, including their content, subject to applicable law. All posts and replies are visible to us, but they are anonymous and not linked to any specific user. We do not have access to the content of these unless users report them to us for review.

Customer Support. You may provide us with information related to your use of our services, including posts or replies, and how to contact you so that we can provide you with customer support. For example, you may send us an email with information relating to our app performance or other issues. ·If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.

Automatically Collected Information

Usage and Log Information. We collect information about your activity on our services, like service-related, diagnostic and performance information. This includes information about your activity (including how you use the service, your service settings, how you interact with others using our services, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities and interactions), log files, and diagnostic, crash, website and performance logs and reports.

Device and Connection Information. We collect device and connection specific information when you install, access or use our services. This includes information like the type of mobile device you use, a unique device identifier (sometimes referred to as a device ID or token), mobile network information, your mobile operating system and the type and version of mobile software which you use, information stored on your device; General, aggregated, demographic, and non-personal data (such as aggregated anonymous information about website usage and other forms of analytical data). It will not be linked to any of your personal data, through cookies or other means, without your consent; Information which you provide to us by completing surveys or polls, and which we use for research purposes. You do not have to respond to these surveys. Details of transactions you carry out through our site and of the fulfilment of any in-app purchases; and details of your visits to our site including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data, whether this is required for our own billing purposes or otherwise, and the resources that you access.

IP addresses and cookies. We use cookies to operate and provide our services, including to provide our services that are web based, improve your experiences, understand how our services are being used and customize our services. We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, and your mobile phone, including details of your mobile handset and mobile software, for system administration and to collate aggregate information. This is statistical data about our users’ browsing actions and patterns and the use of our app, and does not identify any individual. For the same reason, we may obtain information about your general internet usage by using a cookie file which is stored on the hard drive of your computer. Soulout does not currently respond to browser “Do Not Track” signals sent from web browsers on our app or our site.

An IP address, also called an Internet Protocol address, is a number that is assigned to your computer or device by your Internet Service Provider. IP addresses are used to make the connection between your devices and the websites and services you use. Like many other internet services, Soulout may use your IP address to provide more relevant content specific to your region. IP addresses are roughly based on geography. This means that any apps, services, or websites you use, including Soulout, may be able to infer and use some information about your general area from your IP address.

Where we store your personal data. We may use third-party vendors, such as Google, to store your data. Your data may be transferred to and stored in locations outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”), including but not limited to the United States and the United Kingdom. It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for a third-party vendor. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing to jurisdictions outside the EEA. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

All information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers. Any payment transactions will be encrypted using SSL or other appropriate technology. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.